Mr D Christie

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

After a career working within the Financial Services sector, Mr Christie completed a BA (Hons.) degree in Primary Education with QTS, gaining 1st Class Honours at Durham University.

Mr Christie began working at Stanley Crook Primary in July 2011 and, while teaching Year 5/ Year 6, achieved consistently strong results in Key Stage 2 assessments, which placed Stanley Crook as one of the top performing Primaries in the Country.

Mr Christie has held various roles in school including: Special Educational Needs Coordinator, English Subject Lead and Computing Lead, before becoming Deputy Headteacher in 2013.

Being appointed Headteacher in 2015, Mr Christie holds the NPQH qualification as well as being a Safeguarding Ambassador and trainer with a keen interest in leading curriculum development and refining pedagogical approaches to meet the needs of 21st Century learners.  Mr Christie is passionate in ensuring all pupils, irrespective of background, are provided with only the best possible opportunities for achieving success within their current school, and future careers.

This ethos is shared by all staff in school under their agreed vision of a commitment to improving outcomes for all pupils through delivering a curriculum which is dynamic, creative, meaningful and FUN!

When he isn’t working, Mr Christie enjoys spending time with his family, watching and playing sports and travelling.

If you do have any questions, or would like to find out more about our school, do not hesitate to contact Mr Christie on 01388762858


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