Pupil wellbeing and positive mental health has always been a priority at Stanley Crook Primary School. We pride our school on delivering a broad and effective range of provision to support children’s personal development.
Please take time to view some examples of the types of provision and activities on offer at our school, which aim to support children’s mental health and wellbeing.
Safer Internet Day 2024

As part of Safer Internet Day 2024, school welcomed our partners from BigFoot Art Education as they delivered a range of fun and engaging workshops aimed at supporting the children’s learning around being safe online.
Children’s Mental Health Week

Dress to express yourself, as part of CMHW 2024!

In PSHE we have been exploring Children’s Mental Health Week.
We introduced a big question – what is Mental health? The children chatted to one another and were invited to feedback before the definition of mental health was given.
We highlighted the importance of making our mental health a priority and doing all we can to look after it, just like our physical health. We did a sorting activity about different things we can do to keep our minds healthy/not healthy.
We looked at asking for help when we have uncomfortable feelings. Thinking about that sometimes, just like our body, our mind doesn’t feel well.
We all did a Mental Health Action Plan to show how to look after our own mental health.
Our final activity was to make some Positive Affirmations cards. This helped us to focus on a positive thought to help us feel happier. We shared our wonderful creations with the rest of the class, helping to make their day a little brighter!