
The gallery is full of a wealth of photographs to give a real insight into the rich and varied experiences the children have in our school.

Getting Along (Wellbeing) Group

In our Getting Along( Wellbeing) Group we looked at the story of Elmer. This story is used to highlight the concept of children being ‘special’.
We began with establishing group rules and introduced sticker charts.
Together we looked at the story and then had a discussion on why Elmer is special. We did a craft activity making our own Elmer.
We went on to consider the children’s qualities and uniqueness.
We ended the session with the children thinking of a positive comment about themselves to write on a star.
Fantastic comments from everyone. 🙂

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Thank you to everyone who supported us with the recycling event.

Young Heroes Award

In our Celebration assembly Team Stanley Crook were very proud that one of our outstanding children was presented with a Young Heroes Award by PCSOs Katie & Christie from Durham Constabulary.
The Young Heroes Award recognises young individuals for doing something positive that may affect the local community or wider. We are bursting with pride that this wonderful child has been awarded for so generously donating her hair to The Little Princess Trust last year, among many other small acts of kindness towards the community throughout the year.

Wellbeing Group – Zippy’s Friends

During Zippy’s Friends we talked about death and how we can support one another when a person or a pet dies. We understood that death is a normal part of life. We discussed that often when we feel bad we blame ourselves for things that have happened, often called guilty like Tig felt in the story. Children thought of other emotions they may feel such as sadness, anger and fear when we lose someone important.
Children identified ways to feel better and cope with situations involving grief and loss. Suggestions made were:
⭐️Speaking to parents/friends
⭐️Thinking of good memories
⭐️Asking others for help

Playtime Fun

Children have enjoyed practising their aiming skills using the new netball posts in the playground. Playmakers enjoyed supporting children to develop their skills and explain the rules of netball.

Zippy and Apples’s Friends

During Zippy’s and Apple’s Friends we identified different types of change and the feelings associated with those changes. Changes are part of life and sometimes we cannot do anything about them. We discussed how changes often have both good and bad effects.
Children described significant changes in their life and what coping strategies they used to make themselves feel better. How we can support one another and show kindness to others. Well done everyone!

Wellbeing Group – Zippy’s Friends

In Zippy’s Friends we talked about what happens when someone threatens or hurts us. We discussed what ‘bullying’ means and worked in groups to identify people we trust at school, home and friends that could help. We designed posters to show bullying is not acceptable and what we can do to help others. Great work!!

Wellbeing Group  – Apple’s Friends

During Apple’s Friends we thought about wishes for our class. We wrote wishes and placed them into the wishing well. In small groups children decided if it was possible? How can they make it come true? We also completed Apple’s Friends feedback sheets highlighting what we enjoy, would change, homework tasks and thoughts on role play activities. Great group discussion!

Learning Outside the Classroom

Pupils are very excited to get learning in our new outside classroom.
To support and enhance current LOTC activities, pupils now have access to this outside space as well as many other tools!

Team Dahl were very excited to explore our new Forest Schools space!

Firework Code

We enjoyed a special assembly with Crook Fire Service all about the Firework Code and how to stay safe on Bonfire Night.

NSPCC – Speak out, Stay Safe

We enjoyed an important assembly with the NSPCC about our right to stay safe, and who we can talk to if we are worried or upset. We met ‘Buddy’ who told us all about how to speak out &stay safe

Raising Funds for Charity

Many thanks to our school community for their support with The Butterwick Hospice Appeal. Together, we raised over £200 to support the work of this charity.

Helping our local community

We enjoyed a visit from Tow Law Millennium Primary School during our assembly today. Mrs Jackson and pupils from the school council are working hard to secure funding for LED lights throughout their school.  This will not only help to save energy but it will also allow the children of Tow Law Millennium to participate in more school trips and events with the money saved.

At Stanley Crook Primary School, we’re very proud to have been asked to support this project.

A Visit From Our Newly Elected Local MP, Laura Pidcock

This afternoon we have had a visit from the new MP for North West Durham, Laura Pidcock. Laura enjoyed a tour of the school and then a meeting with our School Council. We were very impressed with all of the children in the school but especially with how articulate, informed and intelligent the School Councillors were in their discussions. Well done, TEAM Stanley Crook.

Harvesting our crops in our gardens

Mrs Hayman came in today to help harvest the potatoes and peas she has grown with the children. The peas were very popular at our snack table and Mrs Liddle and Mrs Lawes cooked the potatoes for lunch. They were delicious!

Summer Term Team Attendance Winners

Team 2 are over the moon to win this term’s attendance prize. As a reward for having the best attendance for the Summer term, we’re having an afternoon out chosen by the children. Well done, Team 2!

Stanley Crook Does The Great British Bake-Off

We had lots of amazing entries for the Bake-Off competition for our Summer fair.

A Victorian School Day

Super Splash Heroes

Gibber Productions – in association with Northumbria Water – visited school to let the children know all about the importance of water conservation and how they can be Super Splash Heroes and save more water at home.
We had lots of fun singing, listening and watching this very important message.  If you want to get some fantastic free water saving resources to help you conserve more water please use the Northumbria Water link below:

Have a look around our school!

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