School Attendance 2020/2021
Dear Parent / Carer,
At our school, we have been working hard over the summer period to prepare and welcome back all pupils in the new academic year. A range of protective measures have been put in place in order that parents and children feel confident of their safe return to settings.
As a school, we understand that, as parents/ carers, you may have anxieties or concerns about your child’s return and we encourage you to contact us if you have any specific concerns that you would like to talk through or any help and support that you or your child may require.
We are here to help!
As echoed by the Government, it is vital for all children who can be at school to return, given that the sooner children can return to school, the better it is for their health and mental wellbeing, wider development and their educational prospects.
The Government have made clear the expectation that all children will return to school in September 2020 when school attendance will, again, be mandatory and the school’s attendance policy clearly mirrors this.
The Government have planned for a range of potential scenarios, specifically with regards Coronavirus/ COVID-19, detailing the actions that parents and schools should take in the event of one of the issues arising – this is attached in the summary attendance policy leaflet. I would be grateful if parents could familiarise themselves with this.
Many thanks,
Mr C