Following our school inspection on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th February, Ofsted have now released the final inspection report.
I have made the report available for parents/ carers via Class Dojo and the report will also be published on the school website in the ‘About Us’ then ‘School Performance’ section. If any parent/ carer would like a hard copy of the inspection report, please contact the school office.
Ofsted will also publish the report on their website ( in five working days.
The report is extremely positive and reflects the high standards in school and acknowledges our core values and culture by identifying the focus and efforts which are placed upon pupils’ personal development, behaviour and welfare. It finds that, ‘Pupils’ personal, social, emotional and moral development is exceptionally strong. The remarkably positive, empowering culture within the school community makes a very effective contribution to pupils’ well-being.’
The staff and I certainly agree with the inspector’s judgement of our pupils at Stanley Crook Primary School – ‘Thoughtful, caring and responsible citizens indeed.’
Since the last school inspection in December 2009, there have been several updates to the Ofsted school inspection framework. Each new framework raises the expectation of standards in school and challenges leaders and school staff to meet these new higher standards. This is certainly true of the current inspection framework which seeks to set high standards in all areas, including Leadership and Management; Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils, Effectiveness of Early Years provision and Safeguarding. Yet another inspection framework is due to come into effect from September 2019.
Despite these increased expectations, the judgements contained within the report for all areas are extremely positive. The inspector’s judgement that Stanley Crook Primary School is a ‘Good’ school are underpinned by an assessment that there is strong evidence of outstanding practice throughout school and across all judgement areas.
The report finds that, ‘The astute, insightful care and attention given to pupils’ emotional, personal, social and moral development is exceptional’ and that, ‘Pupils are extremely well equipped with the personal, social and emotional skills and knowledge needed to be successful in later life.’ Consequently, the report finds that, ‘The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.’
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our school community for their support during the inspection. Across the two days, I received many positive comments from parents/carers via email and Class Dojo posts, which provided additional evidence to the inspector regarding the effectiveness of our provision and work ‘in creating a culture of inclusivity in this happy, community-minded school.’
This is a report of which all members of our school community can be extremely proud.
Great work T.E.A.M. Stanley Crook
If you have any questions regarding the report or any of its contents, please do not hesitate to contact me on 01388 762858 or via email at
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to meeting with many of you next week during our Spring Term Teacher/ Parent Consultation Meetings.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Christie
10086831 Stanley (Crook) Primary School 114059 PDF Final