Have a look at our P.E. page for past & present P.E. events
Swimming is an important skill and can encourage a healthy and active lifestyle. All Local Authority schools must provide swimming instruction either in key stage 1 or key stage 2. The programme of study sets out the expectation that pupils should be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
At Stanley Crook Primary School we believe in allowing children time to develop water confidence and competence.
Children in School will start swimming lessons from Year 3 and receive regular lessons throughout Key Stage 2.
Our Swimming Outcomes are significantly above both county (72%) and national averages (52%)
2022-2023 outcomes for swimming shows that 100% of our year 6 children have achieved their 25m unaided certificate and can perform self, safe-rescue.
We treat each cohort as individuals and have used some of our Primary PE and Sports Premium funding for this academic year to provide additional provision for swimming booster sessions and Deep Water Training for our current Year 4, 5 and 6 cohort.
Find out about Physical Education in our School
At Stanley Crook Primary School we want to achieve the best! Our P.E. curriculum aims to:
Achieve High Quality PE
- Develop staff expertise and confidence in delivering high quality PE through support of Lower Dales Cluster partnership and provision of high quality specialist coaching.
- Work towards achieving Sports Active Kitemark Award.
Increase participation and inclusion
- Increase confidence and ability of SEN children through support and provision- motor-skills movement programme and ‘I can do’ contract.
- Ensure 100% of our children achieve 25m swimming by end of KS2.
Promote Healthy, active lifestyles
- Check pupils’ understanding of how to lead active, healthy lifestyles and encourage and promote this through our curriculum, PE and after school clubs.
Provide competitive school sport
- Increase intra school competitive opportunities
- Increase participation rates in School Games/ inter competitions.
Develop leadership, the curriculum and subject profile
- Ensure robust teaching in PE
- Develop systems for monitoring of external deliverers eg coaches
- Develop a more diverse curriculum and After School programme
- Raise the profile of PE internally.
Contribute to pupils’ overall achievement
- Promote literacy skills through PE vocabulary wall
- Promote the contribution of PE to teaching in other curriculum areas.
Develop partnerships
- Liaise with feeder secondary school to provide a continuous KS2/3 curriculum
- Improve Community Links and pathways into Clubs
Visit our Sports Premium Funding information located in our Premium Allocations section.