Have a look at some of the fun activities we get up to in Team Cherry
D & T – Freestanding Structures
In D&T we’ve been observing examples of freestanding structures to name the parts using correct vocabulary. Can you guess which iconic structure we have been sketching?

Top teamwork in Team Cherry as we work together to build freestanding structures using recycled materials 😀

Very proud of our final products and having lots of fun testing their strength & stability by seeing how many toy cars they can hold!
A super range of structures including beam, truss, arch & cantilever bridges 😀

English – Performing Poetry
Working in groups to create performances of dinosaur poems from our core text. Some very dramatic reading going on! 😀🦖

Vocabulary Skills
Working hard in English improving our vocabulary skills by making a glossary of key words from our core text, ‘A First Book of Dinosaur’ by Simon Mole.
There’s some very tricky vocabulary in the text so we are very pleased to have some dinosaur experts in class!

English – A First Book of Dinosaurs (Core Text)
We are really enjoying our new core text in English! We’ve started ‘A First Book of Dinosaurs’ which is non-fiction poetry anthology.
We have had great fun drawing & describing a stegosaurus 🦖

P.E. – Gymnastics
Working hard in P.E developing balance & co-ordination by practising a range of balance shapes such as star, dish, tuck & arch.
We had fun creating a short sequence linking together the gymnastic shapes we practised throughout the lesson. 😀

We are always BUSY BEES in Team Cherry

Busy bees in Team Cherry!
Merry Christmas from Team Cherry

We’ve had a magical time in Team Cherry with lots of festive fun. A little extra magic was sprinkled when Santa Claus came to visit us all the way from the North Pole!

Merry Christmas!

That’s a Wrap!
That’s a wrap! We had so much fun filming the dvd of our nativity.
We can’t wait for you to see the first live show! 😀⭐️

Christmas Journey
Team Cherry enjoyed a lovely festive morning at St Andrew’s church for the Christmas Journey. We loved meeting all of the characters from the Christmas story, especially trying Mary’s freshly baked bread & exploring the posh palace of the wise men.
The children made us so proud with their brilliant listening skills and lovely manners – what super ambassadors for our school! ⭐️
The members of the church were very impressed when Team Cherry sang & signed Last Christmas for them.

Chartwell’s Workshop – Healthy Eating
We enjoyed a fun Friday morning with Sian from Chartwell’s who taught us all about healthy eating and why this is important for our bodies.
We loved making our own Very Hungry Caterpillars with fruit & veg – especially eating them! 😀

Dress Rehearsal
An exciting afternoon performing our nativity for our friends in Key Stage 2

Sneak Peek
Sneak peek of our KS1 nativity! 😀

English – Writing Fact Files
We started our new core text ‘One Day on our Blue Planet’ in English and have enjoyed researching lions and the African savannah.
We worked hard to put all of our research together to write lion fact files 😀

Children In Need
Looking amazing in our spots & pyjamas to raise awareness for Children in Need 🙂 We also had a special visitor who came to visit!

Art – Watercolour Shells
Continuing our Spirals topic in art we created some watercolour shells 😀

Art – Spirals
Our topic in art this term is Spirals.
The children were introduced to the idea that making a drawing is a physical activity which uses the whole body and connects head, hand and heart.
We worked hard drawing snail spirals using a continuous line for a minute or two. The children used chalk, oil pastels and felt tips. We explored different qualities of line and colour blending. 🖌⭐️

Halloween Disco
Looking spook-tacular and ready to party 😀👻

Beamish Workshop
We enjoyed a fascinating workshop with Hannah & Bill from Beamish Museum all about the mining history of our village and what life would have been like for the miners who lived here in the past. We loved testing out the tin bath and singing the pit songs! 😊

Victorian Day
A fun day in Team Cherry celebrating 150 years of Stanley Crook Primary School 😀

Working hard in Maths using language such as fewer, greater, less, more & equal to compare amounts.

Music – Rocksteady
We enjoyed an amazing band session with Will from Rocksteady Partners.
This session amplified children’s self belief, support, wellbeing and helped to maximise potential back in the classroom.
The children learnt to play instruments and sing songs in a dynamic way. It was a fantastic experience for everyone. 🎶🎵🎸🎤🎹

Having fun in P.E building fitness, balance, control & coordination.

Working hard in English writing descriptive poems based on our core text, ‘The Fox and the Star’ ⭐️

Have a look at some of our amazing writing! ⭐️

Year 2 have been working super hard in Mathematics to flexibly partition numbers to 100 ⭐️ Look at all the different ways we could answer our challenge question!

We have been busy bees in phonics!

Our School Councillors as elected by their peers during a very exciting, top secret vote.

Team Cherry
We enjoyed a fantastic, fun first day in our new team! A big well done to all children – they have settled in brilliantly.