Pupils in Team 4 and Team 5 enjoyed their introductory ‘taster’ session this week as part of our partnership with Skills Force and The Prince William Award.
Having learned of the award from stories in the national media, I was keen to explore opportunities to establish it within our school in order to further support and enhance our S.M.S.C. (Social, Spiritual, Moral and Cultural), S.E.A.L. (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning) and British Values Curriculum .
The Prince William Award provides a context within which young people aged between 6-14 years of age can develop the confidence to think independently and make positive, informed decisions by learning to consider the impact of their actions and behaviours on themselves, on others and the world around them.
The basis of the award is in experiential learning—pupils learn and embed knowledge through experience and learning is facilitated through coaching by trained instructors, with opportunity for reflection. The award is delivered at three levels; Pioneer, Explorer and Trailblazer—the first two being suitable for pupils in primary school.
I am looking forward with great anticipation to beginning the official delivery of the Award in school, beginning in September.