Welcome Back to School!

May I begin my first post of the new academic year by wishing all members of our school community a very warm welcome back to school. I hope that you have all enjoyed a wonderful summer with your families and return to school refreshed and ready for the year ahead—which is filled with more exciting and engaging learning opportunities!

Special welcome is extended to our 19 new pupils who have joined our school in Reception and to their parents and families. Our aim at Stanley Crook Primary is to start every child on their journey through school in the best possible way. We hope that our new pupils will flourish and thrive whilst at Stanley Crook and make the most of all the learning opportunities that the school has to offer. By the time every pupils leaves Stanley Crook, we hope that they have developed the lifelong skills to be resilient, respectful and independent individuals who have a love of learning. I am looking forward to meeting with the parents of our new starters in due course. However, if any parent/ carer has any queries relating to their child’s education, please do not hesitate to contact me. My staff and I are here to support in any way we can.

I have been extremely impressed by how well and how quickly our new Reception pupils have settled into school during their first week at Stanley Crook! Already, they are demonstrating our core values in school of friendship, trust, teamwork and resilience. The pupils have particularly enjoyed their new outside area which has been redesigned with artificial turf to allow better access to learning zones in all weather, a new sandpit to encourage exploration and construction and new equipment to improve effectiveness of provision across the Early Years curriculum!

Indeed, pupils across all Teams have returned to school with a positive attitude and a fresh approach to their learning. In whatever Team, pupils have begun researching their Team name author and getting to know and discuss their most well-know books and stories. Team Donaldson received a special signed photograph from Julia Donaldson this week also! Team Donaldson, Team Dahl, Team Rowling, Team Walliams and Team Morpurgo should all be proud of the excellent start they have made to the new year!

Our School Mission: ‘To try our best, to tell the truth, to look after each other and our community’ continues to be central to our ethos at Stanley Crook Primary School. The notion of T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) also supports our aim of providing a dynamic learning environment centred around a well-designed and robust school curriculum which meets the needs of all pupils and provides each of them with the best possible opportunities to succeed.

Attached to Class Story via Class Dojo, you will find information relating to your child’s Team timetable and Curriculum Map. The timetable provides detail on when your child will require additional kit in school (PE, for example) as well as highlighting when other subjects will be covered during the week. The Curriculum Map is a long-term overview of Topics and Subjects which are due to be covered during this academic year. At Stanley Crook Primary School we continue to focus heavily on the “3 R’s” (Reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic) but do this through a topic based approach which provides creative and cross-curricular learning opportunities.

In the next couple of weeks, we will be hosting induction meetings for parents/ carers to meet with their child’s new class teacher and find out more about the new academic year in their child’s Team. More information will follow next week.

To celebrate Roald Dahl Day 2019, on Friday 13th September, pupils and staff are invited to come to school dressed as their favourite Roald Dahl character. These theme days provide a fantastic platform for learning in school and open up additional   opportunities for our pupils to broaden a wide range of skills! I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful characters!

Finally, may I remind parents/ carers of our school uniform policy (available to view on our school website) and the requirement for all pupils to wear plain black school shoes or plain black school trainers to school.

Thank you for your continued support and, once again, may I wish you all a warm welcome back to school!


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